Full Contour Zirconia – BruxZr

What are the benefits of Full Contour Zirconia?

The Full Contour Zirconia crown is made of solid zirconia and is incredibly strong while still maintaining the strength needed for chewing. Zirconia might be a functional solution for your patients who have metal sensitivities or allergies. The bio-compatible materials used to make a Zirconia restoration help eliminate the risk of soft tissue inflammation.

The Full Contour Zirconia crown offers far more benefits than the traditional porcelain and gold solutions. They have more appealing aesthetics, are stronger, are not prone to chipping or cracking and eliminates the “shear-off” of the porcelain. This is the best solution for those seeking a high-strength restoration without compromising natural aesthetics and lifelike translucency. Restorations are available in varying translucencies ranging from 40 to 50% translucency.